
The golden age of travel

Case study

The objective with this brand activation was to transport our audiences in Chicago and New York to the Golden Age of Aviation, where traveling by plane was an expression of luxury. This is how we designed an experience that imitated a flight from that era, from the plane itself to the service personnel on board.

100 forum

Case study

This activation was full of art at its finest. We had a local artist, who began doing his work live and with the help of those attending the activation, he finished it. This is a great example of brand co-creation and for those who participated, something memorable, because each one was able to take a piece of the work for home.

Lennox #fullspeedahead

Case study

We designed an awards gala, with the highest standards of technology and video. We use a multi-screen system to communicate the winners. We also take care of all the logistical organization of the event, from catering, branding, staff and souvenirs.

The Budlight Party Rally

Case study

We created an activation with a troop of models who were encouraging our attendees, just before the brand moments around the party began.

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The palm beaches

Case study

This activation aimed to create a photo moment, using iconic elements of the brand, all within an aesthetic and instagrammable environment.

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